NSERC teamed up with the Canadian Space Agency (CSA) and Little Inventors to bring a once in a lifetime initiative to Canada!
We received close to 3000 fun, thought-provoking, insightful and sometimes truly bonkers invention ideas from children all across Canada, an incredible tribute to their imagination and ingenuity. They truly are the inventors of tomorrow!
- We brought 30 of inventions to life and one drawing got to travel with astronaut David Saint-Jacques to the International Space Station!
- In fact, David and his team at the Canadian Space Agency were so inspired by the results that they now want to take a second one to space!!
- He also answered our Little Inventors questions from the International Space Station - how exciting it that?
Several invention ideas were also turned into real objects by Canadian makers and were exhibited during Science Odyssey for all to see.
NSERC Space Challenge resource pack
Students learn about life in space then draw their invention ideas to make astronaut's life easier or more fun.